At St. James, we offer unique worship, service, and fellowship opportunities for our friends with special needs.
We offer adaptive and inclusive options. Contact us today to learn more.

Sunday Mornings

St James realizes the importance of families being able to attend Sunday worship TOGETHER.  Therefore, accommodations are available at the 10:00am Sunday worship service that will allow those living with disabilities the opportunity to worship in community and learn about the love of Christ.

Preschool - Elementary

St James provides adaptive Sunday School programs for all ages. Children's Sunday School, appropriately called “God’s Party”, has structured curriculum and provides an environment that fosters success. Through song, Bible stories & more, God’s Party is about celebrating God’s love for all of us.

Integration Options

All of our Sunday School programs listed are self-contained, but integration into a typical classroom setting or service is available with or without a companion for those who would succeed in such an environment. Contact us to learn more.

Youth - Adulthood

The JOYS Sunday School class provides exciting, adaptive curriculum that teaches about God’s love, acceptance, and His desires for our lives. This Sunday School class begins in the main sanctuary to enjoy the opening songs and prayer in our typical worship service and then moves to a classroom to begin the day's lesson.

Sunday School Zoom Option

Our JOYS Sunday school gathers digitally via Zoom with those on campus so that we can all have the opportunity to be with friends, share prayer requests, have Bible study, and pray for one another during these times of COVID. We will continue to offer this option until we can all gather again physically. No registration or prior attendance required for our Zoom option. 

Monthly and Seasonal Opportunities

All Special Connections monthly and seasonal opportunities are an outreach of St. James, Special Connections, Hope Rising, and the Bridge and are open to ALL families in the Tampa community and beyond, regardless of religious affiliation.

JOYS Monthly Programming

18 years and older

JOYS is the centerpiece of our adult programming. We typically meet the third Sunday monthly from 2-3:30pm for fellowship and fun.

August 18
September 15
October 13
November 15*
December 15
Registration is required to save your seat.
*please note this is a Friday
Fusion: Faith & Community United is a brand new event where we'll gather outdoors at the New Tampa All Abilities Playground (17302 Commerce Park Blvd) for a time of fun, fellowship, and connection. This is a great opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature while building relationships and deepening our community ties. We hope to see you there!

AUGUST 17 | 10AM-11:30AM
Check back often for more information.

FriendZone is a respite program designed to give parents and caregivers of special needs children a chance to recharge on selected Saturdays throughout the year. Children with special needs, from Kindergarten through 5th grade, along with their siblings, can enjoy a variety of activities including art, music, games, and more, offering them a fun and social experience. To ensure we provide the best care, a parent orientation is required before enrollment so we can get to know your child and family better before their first visit.

SEPTEMBER 21 | 10am-12pm
Check back often for more information.

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